Monday, June 16, 2008

Sleeping like a baby

So far so good in the sleeping department. Or at least we think so. She sleeps for 3 to 4 hours at a time making little sounds every once in a while. When she wakes, she chills for a little bit and then wants to eat. After she eats she chills again for a little after she is burped and then hits the sack again. For you mommies and daddies out there, is it normal for her to make sounds during sleep and is it normal for her to sleep so much? We'd love to hear your feedback. Thanks


Anonymous said...

Welcome to parenthood my friend. I must say I love these daily updates! Thanks for letting us feel like we are apart of her life. She sounds normal. Every kid is different. One day you will get sleep again. One day my friend. Hold on to the hope! H

Jacinda said...

Totally normal! I remember every sound Kiara would make when sleeping would make me jump, but it's normal. That's great that she's sleeping in blocks at least. It's exhausting, but you'll get more eventually!