Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Many faces, same lovable girl

"The Yawn" - Her yawn is absolutely adorable. It is totally Emma's. She also sleeps with her hand under her face like Emma. We know what this face means, it's pretty self-explanatory, unlike some of the ones to follow.

"Don't bug me, I'm sleeping" - We have been anxious about this facet of having a baby, not knowing what to expect. Will she sleep on a schedule? Will she sleep small or large increments of time? Thankfully, she has been sleeping fairly well each night in 3 hour increments. We like this. Keep it up Giovy-belle!

"I'm lovin' it!" - Every time she busts out one of these it just makes everything worth it. She has that kind of smile where one side of her lip goes up and she kind of smirks a little. I had that same exact smirk when I was young and so did my dad and so did my grandpa. I'm glad that I was able to pass that down the chain. We hope and pray that she will be a happy child, with no health problems and that she will always get the most out of life.

"Who are you again?" - She gives me this one every once in a while when I pick her up to stare at her. It's kind of funny because I will turn her around and hold her facing me sometimes to try and stop her from crying. It usually works and this is how. I will turn her around, she opens her eyes periodically while crying, she will catch my eye, she will slow her crying, she will give me that look, then she will just stare into my eyes. It's so cool. This lasts until she realizes the reason she was crying and then she starts again since I can't cure hunger with my stare, though that would be cool.

"I'm starving" - This one happens a lot! This girl totally has my appetite. But she is so much like a guy in this regard. If you feed her well, she is so content. She sleeps like a baby when she eats well. I wonder what her favorite foods will be. I wonder if she will prefer Romanian or American food. We'll see, but for we'll keep it simple with the white juice.

"ooga booga shmooga" - This one doesn't yet have a literal translation since it can be interpreted various ways. Scholars are still trying to dig up original manuscripts which could help us formulate an exact translation. Until then, we have to rely on the other accompanying factors. We look forward to the day when she learns English...or Romanain...even Spanish would be fine...but Ooga Booga is what we've got so we'll do our best to interpret.

1 comment:

The Timmons Family said...

She is absolutely adorable! I love how when she smiles her eyes look like rainbows! What a doll!