Friday, May 05, 2006

Sorry to keep you waiting :)

We have officially and technically arrived back in Romania, however, we aren't yet home completely. We are renovating our apartment currently and there is dust everywhere. The communist apartment that we live in was made by Romania's past ruler Ceaucescu, and it was made quick and poorly. Thus we have crooked walls and holey ceilings.

So alas, we are stipping it all down and straightening it all out, painting and sanding, and in the mean time, staying at the inlaws :)

Expect more frequent posts from me now, as I have felt convicted for not posting often enough.


Hale-Yeah! said...

Alright, your back online! I thought that the picture was your apartment and it was being torn down. whew! so, when are you guys coming back? just kidding. it was awesome to have you guys here.

kingzkiidinromania said...

you guys are so amazing! and i love reading your updates!
glad to hear you're back home and cant wait for some updates on what the Lord is doing around you and through you!
be blessed!

Hale-Yeah! said...

chad, if you turn on the feature that people have to do a little word verification when posting, you won't get those annoying sales pitches

Hale-Yeah! said...

does the internet exist in romania? does blogger still work over there? what's going on with the missionary life, we want to know.